Progetto Genesi Education 2021-2022

Guided tours and Workshops

Progetto Genesi. Art and Human Rights, curated by Ilaria Bernardi, aims to sensitize the communities in the cities hosting the traveling exhibition thanks to on-site guided tours and workshops with a strong participatory approach, and with different target audiences.

For those who cannot actually visit the exhibition, Progetto Genesi still offers the chance to participate in the workshops, eight of which organized online.

The guided tours and workshops, both on-site and online, are free of charge, with a limited number of participants (maximum 20), and therefore requiring a reservation.

The dates for the guided tours and workshops are communicated on this page, stop by stop, in the section of the venue underway, for the entire duration of Progetto Genesi (09/21/2021 – 09/21/2022). In the same section reservations can be made for the many activities.

In parallel, Progetto Genesi broadens its educational offer thanks to the FAI Ponte tra Culture volunteers. FAI Ponte tra Culture is a FAI project addressed to fostering intercultural dialogue between people of different geographical origins. Through its artistic and cultural heritage, FAI Ponte tra Culture works to favor the integration of foreign citizens living in Italy, on the one hand, and promote the encounter with and thus the breaking down of the prejudices that are the result of a lack of knowledge, on the other. The FAI Ponte tra Culture volunteers contributed to the Progetto Genesi exhibition by producing short podcasts concerning the themes of the six sections, offering their own experiences and personal memories, also as concerns their native ountries.

The podcasts with their stories can be accessed by scanning a QR Code in the exhibition or on the FAI website (









[Cover: Ph. Courtesy Mart, Jacopo Salvi]