Marco Perego
(Beijing, Cina, 1957)

#4, 2020

Stampa Inkjet a colori su carta Hahnemüle German per acquaforte
130 x 95 cm
Ed. 78/100 di un’edizione di 100 + 25 AP
[Photo: Ela Bialkowska, OKNO Studio, © ADAGP, Paris. Courtesy Pascale Marthine Tayou e GALLERIA CONTINUA, by SIAE 2021]

Equally inspired by historical and current events, Perego’s multidisciplinary practice involves recontextualizing found objects that are deceptively simple and come loaded with traumatic origins and back stories. Investigating the turbulent and cyclical nature of history, each repurposed item reflects lives lost or obscured by conflict and subjugation. 

For the haunting series #4 (2017), recycled pillowcases collected from orphanages in France and Italy were used. Stitched together, these used linens also provide the basis for a series of elegantly composed quilted paintings covered with stabilized mold. Recognizing this potentially toxic substance often deters viewers from approaching too closely, demonstrating the inherent tension between seduction and repulsion.

Marco Perego vive e lavora a Los Angeles e in Italia. Ha tenuto mostre personali presso Maccarone, Los Angeles e Untilthen, Parigi. Ha esposto anche in occasione di mostre collettive presso Untilthen, Parigi e Rennie Collection, Vancouver. Le sue opere sono presenti in alcune collezioni pubbliche come il Rennie Museum, Vancouver; la Jumex Collection, Città del Messico; l’Hammer Museum, Los Angeles.

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