Progetto Genesi Videos 2021-2022

For information on streaming conversations included in Progetto Genesi, click here.


Organized with the UniversitĂ  Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, the final event of the first year of activities of Progetto Genesi. Art and Human Rights will be held on September 21, 2022 on the occasion of the International Day of Peace.

The event takes the form of a conference through which to recount the achievements and future developments of Progetto Genesi, as well as to initiate a choral reflection on art as an ambassador of human rights.

See past streams

CONVERSAZIONE NO.12: New Economies, Cooperation, and Circularity

The global economy finds itself faced with new challenges. In developing countries and in rich ones unprecedented concepts are taking hold to deal with the challenges of society that are increasingly connected at a global level and increasingly having to find new forms of solidarity.

Speaker: Louisa Gathecha, Kenyan entrepreneur, co-founder of and head of company development at Bottle Logistics EA Limited, a company specialized in the efficient recycling of industrial and post- consumption glass

Professor UC: Frank Cinque

CONVERSAZIONE NO.11: The Places of Segregation

Inequalities are a problem that is relevant in democratic society, but that is even more dramatic in countries where the Authorities, based on discrimination, permit segregation and torture.

Speaker: Mauro Palma, President of the National Authority for the Rights of Prisoners or People Deprived of Personal Freedom

Professor UC: Gabrio Forti

CONVERSAZIONE NO.10: Censorship and Self-Censorship

Just as there exists a limitation of freedom imposed by the Authorities, there also exists an inner self-censorship that each author can impose on him or herself in relation to family and social ties, and belonging. How can a person defend their freedom of expression?

Speaker: Hanif Kureishi, novelist, playwright, screenwriter, filmmaker

Professors UC: Massimo Scaglioni and Arianna Visconti

CONVERSAZIONE NO.9: Ecology and Environmental Sustainability

The theme of sustainability has entered the political agenda of the century. The pandemic has also forced us to think about a new relationship with the environment: which are the most urgent aspects we need to face?

Speaker: Gustavo Gandini, Full Professor of Animal Genetics and President of the Executive Committee of the School of Veterinary Science at the University of Milan

Professors UC: Roberto Zoboli and Pier Sandro Cocconcelli

CONVERSAZIONE NO.8: Cultural Exchange and Globalization

Migrations, fluxes of symbols and media, net technologies, the movement of money and ideas: these are the forces that shape today’s society characterized by complex dynamics of globalization and localization. Twenty-five years after Modernità in polvere Appadurai’s lesson is still relevant today.

Speaker: Arjun Appadurai, Goddard Professor in Media, Culture and Communication at New York University

Professors UC: Franco Anelli and Silvano Petrosino

CONVERSATION NO.7: The Crime of Genocide

The Rwandan genocide is one of the bloodiest episodes in the history of the twentieth century. What motivated this and other genocides occurring in history to destroy, completely or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group?

Speaker: Paola Gaeta, Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva

Professor UC: Gabriele Della Morte

CONVERSATION NO.6: Violence against Women: The Roots to be Eradicated

Feminicide and violence against women are still dramatically in the news every day. What are the psychological and cultural roots of these crimes, what are the actions to prevent them, and which legal actions in Italy can protect women?

Speaker: Cesare Parodi, Adjunct Public Prosecutor for the Procura della Repubblica di Torino, in charge of socially vulnerable groups

Professors UC: Valeria Masciullo and Lucia Corno

CONVERSATION NO.5: Black Lives Matter and Black Women’s March: Origins and Outcomes of a Movement

Speaker: Caroline GombĂ©, Founder Black Women’s MarchIn the past two years, the BLM movement has no doubt represented one of the most significant political phenomena in North America. By going back over its history, what conclusions can be drawn in light of the results achieved with regard to the fight against racism?

Speaker: Caroline GombĂ©, Founder Black Women’s March

Professor UC: Vittorio Emanuele Parsi

CONVERSATION NO.4: Remembering the Stories of the Righteous

Throughout the history of humanity massacres and genocides have occurred deriving not only from belonging to a people, but more specifically to a religious faith. Why is it important to remember the victims of these acts of violence and their stories?

Speaker: Gabriele Nissim, President of Gariwo-Gardens of the Righteous Worldwide

Professors UC: Claudia Mazzucato and Riccardo Redaelli

CONVERSATION NO.3: Immigration: International Cooperation, and Inter-ethnic Cohabitation

The theme of immigration will continue to be the focus of politics in the coming years. Amidst humanitarian crises, the need to support displaced people and refugees, and the social impact of migrations, a challenge that is becoming increasingly relevant.

Speaker: Chiara Cardoletti, Representative for Italy, the Holy See, and San Marino of the UNHCR, UN Refugee Agency

Professors UC: Milena Santerini and Laura Zanfrini 

CONVERSATION NO.2: 160, Italy-USA diplomatic relations for the protection of rights and reciprocal collaboration

160 years from the establishment of diplomatic relations between Italy and the United States, the results achieved and the new objectives in relation to the protection of rights and the need for useful bilateral collaboration are analyzed.

Speaker: Mariangela Zappia, Italian Ambassador to Washington DC

Professors UC: Francesco Bestagno and Raul Caruso

CONVERSATION NO.1: Contemporary Art in Non-Western Countries 

The cycle of meetings begins by recalling the pioneering exhibition Magiciens de la Terre, held in 1989 at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, which for the first time ever turned its gaze beyond the space of what was known, at least in the West, to highlight the existence and beauty of non-Western art.

Speaker: Jean-Hubert Martin, art historian and curator of Magiciens de la Terre

Professors of the UniversitĂ  Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UC): Franco AnelliFrancesco Tedeschi, and Fausto Colombo 


Organized jointly with the UniversitĂ  Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, the opening event of Progetto Genesi. Art and Human Rights is held on September 21, on the occasion of International Day of Peace. The event involves a conference where Progetto Genesi is presented by its patrons, main sponsors and organizers, as well as the speech on human rights by the historian Marcello Flores.