
Curated by Ilaria Bernardi

The Museo Diocesano e Cripta di San Rufino and the Chiesa di Santa Croce located in the Bosco di San Francesco, property of FAI, host the second stop on the traveling exhibition Progetto Genesi. Art and Human Rights, curated by Ilaria Bernardi and promoted by Associazione Genesi: a cross-disciplinary and inclusive project lasting an entire year (09/21/2021-09/21/2022) that combines exhibition and educational activities for the purpose of offering a permanent education on the topic of human rights.

The exhibition presents for the first time ever to the public the contemporary artworks in the Collezione Genesi, which reflect on the urgent, complex, and often dramatic cultural, environmental, social, and political issues of our day and age.

In Assisi the exhibition opens on December 18, 2021International Migrants Day.

At the Museo Diocesano e Cripta di San Rufino the exhibition unfolds in inside and along the corridors outside the cloisters, where temporary walls host the six main theme-based sections, identified in the Collezione Genesi, through which the works convey this message linked to the defense of human rights: The Color of a Person’s SkinThe Female ConditionThe Memory of a PeopleThe Safeguarding of the Environment, Victims of Power, Multicultural Identity. Instead, a work in the Collezione Genesi is exhibited at the Bookshop of the museum to close the exhibition path.

Discover the theme-based sections of the exhibition

In parallel, a work in the Collection, included in Victims of Power section, is shown in the Chiesa di Santa Croce in order to induce the visitor to discover another important artistic, architectural and cultural property in this territory.

The exhibition of the Collezione Genesi has planned for the video Embrace (1995) by Alfredo Jaar to be shown on the Church altar. In it two children seen from behind embrace as they observe a tragic scene that we viewers are unable to see. In the Church, in the same direction as the gaze of the two children, there is an altarpiece with the Cross of Christ. Jaar’s video thus becomes an instrument used to outline a symbolic association between the Cross of Christ beyond the screen and the victims of the Rwandan genocide, beyond the place from where the two children are observing them.

Because the Museo Diocesano is connected to the story of Saint Rufinus and the worship of Cupra Mater, this museum is an ideal venue for the Collezione Genesi, numerous works of which refer to the victims of violence that are tolerated or perpetrated in some areas of the world by governments, on the one hand, and to the female condition, on the other. Furthermore, for the past two years the Museo Diocesano has been a promoter of fair trade to promote social and economic justice respecting basic human rights.

Discover the other stops of the traveling exhibition Go to the Progetto Genesi home page

In addition to the exhibition, also an essential part of Progetto Genesi are the educational activities distributed in an intense program of meetings, guided tours and workshops, both on-site and online, liked to the exhibition, and by a cycle of twelve online conversations in collaboration with the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. These activities will continue for the entire duration of Progetto Genesi that is until September 2022. 

Discover the guided tours and workshops at Museo Diocesano Discover the conversations in collaboration with the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

 [Cover: Ph. Paolo Barcucci, 2014. Copyright FAI – FONDO PER L’AMBIENTE ITALIANO]

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